Sunday, July 15, 2012

Puerto Rico the best destination in the Caribbean

Puerto Rico officially the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
  • Do you know what Commonwealth is?
  • Is Puerto Rico a country?
  • Do you know any other names for Puerto Rico?
Puerto Rico is considered one of the most exciting places in the Caribbean and its history is fascinating as well.
In Laura´s  show and tell she said that in San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico, the history is a very similar one to our Cartagena history, which is written into the very walls of its colonial places and the blend of indigenous and Spanish.
Let´s talk a little about history:
  • Did you know that in Puerto Rico as in Cartagena as well, there is a Castillo de San Felipe and a Catedral de Santa Catalina?  Would you tell us what their differences are?
  • Do you know what a Puerto Rican Jibaro is? 
  • Do you know what a Colombian Jibaro is?
Finally if a person is interested in going to Puerto Rico, what places and activities would you suggest to this person to go and do?

Jose and his passion

Listening to Jose and his passion about soccer reminds me the same passion I feel about salsa and music.
Jose has also written a poem about his soccer passion and he recited it to us in his show and tell. It was amazing!!! Congrats Jose!!!
  • Do you have any passion?
  • Write about the things that you can do over and over again and never get tired of doing so.
Jose told us that he was inspired by Ronaldinho, a Brazilian soccer player. But that his favorite is Messi, and Argentinian one.
  • Is soccer your favorite sport?
  • If so, it is a passion for you? If not, which one if your favorite sport?
  • Write a 5 player list you consider are the best players in the sport that you like.
Willy and I found The Ten Biggest Athletic Freaks Of All Time. You may not know them but this web page gives you a brief summary of the athlete and at the same time you have the opportunity to see a video of his/her performance.

One more question:
  • What do you think makes a person being in a top 10 list of the best in whatever list is?

Monday, July 9, 2012


There are many different video games people play around the world in their free time. There are some video games in which people take a role and perform someone else, others in which people play and win points and many more for people to just gather together and have fun.

In Ivanoba´s show and tell, she told us how crazy about video games she is and how she became a video gamer girl after being talked out of it by her father who used to tell her that video games were just for men not for women.
Let´s think about Ivanoba´s father words. Do you agree or disagree? Write your opinion.

Also some of us learned some new vocabulary related to video games such us:
  • GG
  • NOOB
Do you remember the meaning of these words?
Do you know some other words related to video games o gamers? Write them down and explain their meaning to us.

Some of the games Ivanoba plays are:
  1. Call of Duty
  2. Perfect World
  3. Singstar
  4. Sims 3
Have you ever played these video games?
Which video games have you played?

***Willy and I are looking forward to seeing your comments.***

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Melao the lovely Pitbull


Hi class,
In our last show and tell Claudia talked about her dog. She has a pitbull which is considered one of the most dangerous breed in the world. In some states of United States it is prohibited to have one.
But with Melao we evidenced that not all of them are dangerous and that it is possible to have one at home who can be a member of the family.
Also she talked about the disease Melao had in the past and how he went through it satisfactorily.
Willy and I found the Top Ten Most Dangerous dogs in the world. We want you to see it and give us your opinion on how true this list could be and the changes you would make on it. 
At the same time it would be nice to know if you had the opportunity to have a dog from the list, what dog would you like to have and why?

Daniela and her Stethoscope.

Hi everybody,
In her show and tell, Daniela talked about the Stethoscope. She´s studying a career related to medicine and she taught us what an stethoscope is used for and its parts. 
Also she allowed us to listen to our heart and some audio heart problems. 
Willy and I thought about the idea of having you guys listen to some other healthy and unhealthy hearts. You are to share your comments about that.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Hi everybody,

We heard and saw how much equipment you need to be a professional swimmer. From sebastian we learned that swimming is a sport that needs lots of gear. We found a page that can give you an idea of how much you would need to spend, If you wanted to become a professional swimmer and follow on Sebastian's steps.

Visit the following page:

Go over the different equipment and find out how much money you would need to get a complete gear to swim. Post a comment explaining if you think this is a expensive or unexpensive sport.

Take care!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Show and tell summary

Hi everybody,

We have already had 3 great show and tell sessions so Claudia and I thought of taking you a little beyond it and give you some links just in case you want to know more about the topics your partners shared with us.


He talked to the class about his wonderful trip to Miami  and the oddisey of getting a visa. He described some places we can visit whenever we go there. Here are a couple of links if you want to read or watch a video about the best places to visit in Miami.



After learning how to make a pinhole camera the way we see photography might change a lot. Here is a page that basically summarizes what Paula explained so well in class.



I had no idea how talented Julian was. He taught us some basic tricks to draw and we found a couple of pages that can help us remember those tricks.


Thanks for your hard work!!!